Personal Savings
Regular Savings
Minimum opening deposit: $100
Interest begins to accrue on the business day you deposit items. Interest will be compounded quarterly and will be credited to the account quarterly.
Interest will be forfeited during the quarter on the days the balance falls below $100.
Golden Savings
Minimum opening deposit: $500.
Interest begins to accrue on the business day you deposit items. Interest will be compounded quarterly and will be credited to the account quarterly.
Interest will be forfeited during the quarter on the days the balance falls below $500.
Christmas Club
Interest will be paid from date of deposit to maturity. Club accounts that close before maturity will forfeit their interest. Club account can be setup with automatic draft.
CDs (Certificate of Deposit)
Gulf Coast Bank offers a variety of CDs with different interest rates and maturity dates. Please contact your local GCB representative for accurate information. Penalty for early withdrawal.
CDARS (Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service)
Gulf Coast Bank offers a product that enables customers to deposit an excess of $250,000 and still receive full FDIC coverage.
It is CDARS, which stands for Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service. There are various maturities ranging from 4 weeks to 5 years. The maturities can be laddered to give plenty of options for a maturity. Businesses of all sizes, all public funds, and all non-profits, for example, are some of the opportune clients of the CDARS product.
With the CDARS product, Gulf Coast Bank can: provide customers with access to multi-million-dollar FDIC insurance on CD investments for the customers’ entire deposits through a single bank- Gulf Coast Bank; save customers time and effort; offer customers CD-level interest rates, which have historically favorably compared to Treasuries; and help customers’ money work for the local community.
For example, a customer deposits $5 million with Gulf Coast Bank. GCB is a member of the Promontory Network. This means the $5 million deposit is divided into amounts under the standard FDIC insurance, which is currently at $250,000, and allocated among other 21 U.S. Promontory Network banks -making the full amount of $5 million eligible for FDIC coverage. As a result, customers can access coverage from many institutions while working with only Gulf Coast Bank.
Confidential information is protected and never shared with other Network members. Customers communicate only with the GCB local service team, and customers receive one consolidated statement from only GCB.
This makes depositing large sums convenient. Customers manage one bank relationship, earn one rate per maturity on their investments and receive one regular account statement.
It’s also a community investment. The full value of money deposited using CDARS transactions will support lending opportunities in the Acadiana community.
The CDARS product may be right for a customer who worries about investment safety in general; has time management issues related to managing multiple relationships, signing multiple agreements, negotiating multiple rates, and consolidating multiple interest disbursements and statements; and wants the full value of the funds to support this area. A customer of CDARS with GCB would not have to worry about opening accounts at multiple banks, in multiple names to have access to the FDIC coverage; the full amount would be covered and be on one statement through GCB.